L-ultrasound jista 'jeqred in-nervituri tad-dud, jipprevjeni t-tkabbir tad-dud, u jelimina b'mod effettiv id-dud għal żmien twil.Safe għat-trabi.
Id-dawl UV-C jelimina 99.9% tal-batterja u l-virus, u jipparalizza d-dud tat-trab u jnaqqas il-kapaċità tagħhom li jimmultiplikaw.
Filtrazzjoni ċiklunika doppja brevettata, li tevita li terġa 'tirrilaxxa l-batterji u l-patoġeni ta' ħsara fl-arja.
Ttektek il-wiċċ b'vibrazzjonijiet qawwija biex tneħħi d-dud.
Il-brushroll huwa ddisinjat speċifikament għall-vacuum fuq is-saqqijiet, sodod, sufani, tapizzerija u uċuħ simili oħra mingħajr ebda ħsara.
Dust mite everywhere which is one of the main indoor allergens sources that can cause dermatitis, asthma and allergic rhinitis and etc.
New generation of upgraded high precision motor provides more powerful suction power and makes lower noise, energy-saving and efficiency.
Patented soft rubber strip + soft hair strip composite brushroll, with independent brushroll motor, JIMMY BX7Pro can easily pick up fine dust and dust mites deep in the mattress without hurting its surface.
Is-senser ta 'skoperta intelliġenti jista' jikkalkula l-dust mites fl-ambjent bi preċiżjoni għolja.
Meta d-dawl LED isir aħmar, dan ifisser li hemm aktar dud tat-trab/trab, u meta jsir blu, ifisser li l-wiċċ huwa nadif.
Heat in 5 seconds, penetrate bedding & mattress deeply, kill mites & bacteria quickly, you can enjoy warmth even on wet and rainy days.
JIMMY BX7Pro anti-mite vacuum cleaner releases 253nm ultraviolet wavelength to destroy mite cells, can kill 99.99% mites and bacteria.
And when the machine leaves the surface, the UV lamp will automatically turn off to avoid ultraviolet radiation damage.
Patented dual cyclone filtration technology, separate dust mite and dust from the air, less clogging on dust cup, machine suction is more constant.
Ultrasound can destroy the nerves of the mites, prevent the growth of the mites, and effectively eliminate the mites for a long time.
Safe for babies.
Tested and certified by professional institutions, the mite removal rate is over 99.9%.
3 modes can meet your
different cleaning needs,clean in place, no damage to clothes.
L-effiċjenza hija mtejba ħafna, tindif ta 'sodda biss fil-minuti.
High-precision motor, low operating sound, only 78 dB(A), to create a comfortable home environment for you.
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