Kategoriji kollha

500W Qawwa Qawwija

Brushroll kompost
Tapping profond u veloċi

Sterilizzazzjoni UV
Joqtol 99.9% batterji

Filtrazzjoni taċ-ċiklun doppju
Long lasting suction

Eqred in-nervituri tad-dud

Wessa' l-port tal-ġbid
Neħħi dud b'mod aktar effiċjenti


500W Strong Suction


Sistema ta 'Filtrazzjoni ta' Ċikluni Doppju

Long lasting suction


Funzjoni ta 'Sterilizzazzjoni UV Sikura

Joqtol 99.9% batterji


Pinzell tar-romblu kompost bi privattiva

Strong suction & high frequency tapping


L-ultrasound effettivament joqtol id-dud tat-trab

Sikur għat-tarbija u l-omm


Port ta 'Ġbid Wiesa' ta '245mm

Cleaning efficiency is greatly improved


Ċertifikat mill-Allergy UK Foundation
Is-sodda u s-sufan tiegħek huma tassew nodfa?

Vacuum cleaner normali jista 'jiġbed biss trab u debris viżibbli. Iżda ħafna affarijiet li jaffettwaw is-saħħa tagħna huma inviżibbli Dust dust, dust mite allergen, annimali domestiċi allerġeni, batterji moħbija ġewwa sodda, sufan, tapit huma l-affarijiet li jagħmlu d-dar tagħna mhux nadifa jew ħżiena għas-saħħa.



Ċertifikat mill-Allergy UK Foundation

JIMMY BX5 Pro ġie ttestjat u ċċertifikat minn organizzazzjonijiet professjonali, b'rata ta 'tneħħija tal-allerġeni tad-dud tat-trab u tad-dud tat-trab ta' aktar minn 99.9%, li tipproteġi s-saħħa tiegħek u tal-familja tiegħek.


Ipprivattiva * Kompost Roller Brush
Ġbid qawwi u tapping ta 'frekwenza għolja

JIMMY BX5 Pro uses a patented composite rubber roller brush with a built-in independent motor to bring strong high-frequency tapping power. Deeply removes allergens dust, mites from beds.


Not Just for Cleaning Dust Mites
Vacuums pets hair,dust,allergens all away

Pets shedding in season, pet hair on the bed, sofa, floor.and scattered food crumbs,dust, all can be vacuumed away.Anti-tangle hair roller brush design, easy to clean, and soft bristles + rubber strip material does not hurt the fabric, more practical.


Powerful Suction 245mm Wide Suction Port
Cleaning efficiency is greatly improved

500W strong power with 245mm wide nozzle, cleaning efficiency greatly improved, only 2* minutes to clean a bed


High-penetration UV-C Sterilization
Killing 99.9% allergens and bacteria

High-efficiency UV with strong penetrating power, JIMMYBX5 Pro can effectively eliminate more than 99.9% allergen sand bacteria on the surface of fabrics. It is ideal for allergy sufferers. And when the machine leaves the surface, the UV lamp will automatically turn off to avoid UV light exposing.


L-ultrasound effettivament joqtol id-dud tat-trab
Sikur għat-tarbija u l-omm

Using microelectronics technology to transmit ultrasonic frequency band is harmless to human body, but it can destroy the nerve of mites, prevent the growth of mites.and effectively eliminate mites for a long time.


Patented* Dual Cyclone Filtration
Long-lasting suction power without clogging

Patented dual cyclone filtration technology, separate dust mite and dust from the air, less clogging on dust cup, machine suction is more constant


Thick Stainless Steel Filter
Effective isolation of allergens

The new thickened 304 stainless steel filter screen isolates more hair, fibers, dander, and large particles than traditional plastic screens.


Modalità Doppja
One key to switch freely

Soft-Strong dual mode selection.
Applicable to different household cleaning scenarios.


Whole House Mites Removal
Magna waħda b'funzjonijiet multipli

JIMMY BX5 Pro allows you to fully benefit from JIMMY technology to deep cleaning pet fur / human hair / dander / dust on sofa, bed, clothes, blanket, carpet and other fabric surfaces.


Aktar Dettalji tad-Disinn


Parametri tal-Prodott
  • Potenza nominali: 500W
  • Vultaġġ nominali: 220-240V
  • Mod ta' filtrazzjoni: MIF
  • Ħoss tax-xogħol: ≤75dBA
  • Kapaċità tat-tazza tat-trab: 0.5L
  • Tul tal-kejbil tal-enerġija: 5m
  • Modalità: 2
  • Sterilizzazzjoni UV: Iva
  • Ultrasound: Iva
  • Filtru MIF ta' sostituzzjoni 1
  • Pinzell tat-tindif 1
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