It-teknoloġija taċ-ċiklun doppju orizzontali privattiva ta 'JIMMY tissepara b'mod effiċjenti t-trab mill-arja u tnaqqas it-telf tal-ġbid.
A detachable, separately chargeable 7x2.5 AH battery pack delivers up to 65minutes* of continuous cleaning.
Self-developed 55% high efficiency brushless digital motor generates 185 AW of machine suction, more quickly and thoroughly cleans the hair on the carpet, large and small debris, and dust in the floor gap.
JIMMY’s patented horizontal dual cyclone technology* efficiently separates dust from air and reduces suction loss.Captures large particles and up to 99.9% of fine dust while avoiding secondary air pollution.
*Horizontal cyclone patent:CN201910482178.7
See the real-time information like remaining run time, power mode, dust concentration, error reminder and etc with LED screen. Easy to read and easy to use.
Clearly display the dust level of your home and detect the dust you can’t normally see, so you will not miss anything.
In Auto mode, JIMMY H8 Flex can adjust the right suction level for more effective cleaning and longer runtime according to different dust levels and floor types.
Grazzi għal din il-flessibbiltà, tista 'faċilment tnaddaf iż-żoni kollha speċjalment żoni baxxi diffiċli biex jintlaħqu mingħajr ma tinkina jew squatting, li ġġib lilek u lill-familja tiegħek esperjenza ta' tindif mingħajr sforz anke għal tindif għal żmien twil.
Ir-ras tal-pinzell tal-art tiġi b'6 headlights LED li jixegħlu awtomatikament meta jinxtegħlu.
L-abbiltà tat-tindif ta 'żoni skuri taħt is-sodda, il-mejda, u postijiet dojoq titjieb ħafna, ħalli t-trab fid-dlam imkien biex jaħbi.
A detachable, separately chargeable 7x2.5 AH battery pack delivers up to 65minutes* of continuous cleaning.
*The usage time will vary in different environment.
Ras tas-saqqu elettriku
Joħroġ it-trab u d-dud tat-trab minn fond tas-sodda jew sufan permezz ta 'tapping qawwi ta' brushroll.
Għodda tal-tapizzerija 2-in-1
Remove dust and debris from table or any other surface of the furniture.
Pinzell artab
Mgħammar b'pinzell artab u pajp stretch, naddaf faċilment xi postijiet diffiċli biex jintlaħqu.
Għodda tal-qasma
Remove dust and debris from any deep crevice.
Wall Mount 2-in-1 Dock
Storing and charging at the same time.
Detachable & separately chargable battery pack
Easy battery replacement for longer cleaning time and machine life.
One-Button Dust Cup
The 500ml dust cup can be emptied with a click, no tedious disassembly and assembly, no dirty hands.
Abbona għall newsletter tagħna
Irridu nisimgħu mingħandek
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